Novels in Progress

The Bonds of Stars  

YA Fantasy Duology with series potential

Book 1: Query Phase

Book 2: Planning     

Ty is a magical refugee who ….

Emilia is the princess the world forgot. Believed murdered in the event that brought down a barrier around their Kingdom no one and nothing has been able to cross thirteen years ago she was chosen as a member of the black guard and has been raised as a Weapon and trained to hunt her own people in the name of the king to punish them for the events of that fateful night. But in secret she has spent the past 6 hunting for a way to free her people from the Oppressive regime her grandfather raised.

The Shot List  

Stand Alone YA Contemporary  

Drafting Phase    

Ari has known one thing her entire life. She Will be a professional ballerina in a professional company just like her mother. From the time she was small this has always been the plan. She has done nothing but eat, sleep, and do Ballet at her Prestigious boarding Ballet conservatory for the past five years in Preparation to walking into her Career when she graduates at 18. That is until she is sent home by the schools medical Staff in the middle of spring semester of her junior year and told she can’t dance for 6 months.

Now stuck in Spruce Colorado with three siblings she Doesn’t know, her Dad who can’t look at her without seeing the woman he lost, and his new wife Margot who views everything in the world as a business transaction Ari just wants to Disappear back into her old life as soon as possible. Spruce High functions nothing like her conservatory. The friends she had as a child look at her like a stranger. Her step mother is forcing her to work in her photo studio to keep her “out of trouble”. And she can’t do the only thing that ever helped her make since of the world around her.

Just when she thinks things can’t get any worse Jax crashes into her life and she has to decide if the dream she has always chased it worth the possibilities of the life she never imagined and the People she didn’t know she couldn’t live without.


Stand Alone YA Contemporary

Drafting Phase               

Now she must figure out how to survive a summer thousands of miles away from everything she wanted. At first it’s boring. Then she meets Kai and Everything begins to change. He introduces her to the magic of the island and it’s culture. He brings her into the world she has always resented and forces her to face the realities of her families painful past through new eyes as she begins to ask questions she never thought to ask.Why did her father left them? what is so special about this island that he isn’t willing to leave it visit them? Why did he want her here?

As with everything in life there are two sides to every story and when it comes to family sometimes things are better left unsaid.

Malia has been looking forward to spending her last Summer of freedom at house parties on the puget sound, exploring downtown seattle with her friends, and camping in her Boyfriends family island in the san juans. That is until her mother informs her that she will be spending it in hawaii with the father she hardly knows in a place that tore her family apart.

Circus Mafia

Stand Alone YA Contemporary Fantasy

Planning Phase   

Keira has spent her entire life in small town Wyoming with a father who is afraid of His own shadow. on the eve of her senior year her life is as small as the town she has always dreamed of escaping. She works in the Ice cream shop on main street, swims on the school swim team, works on the yearbook, and takes dance classes at the local dance studio in secret. It’s nothing like the life of glamor and performing around the world she imagines.

Then one night her best friend gets them tickets to a broadway show in Denver a few hours away in exchange for helping her aunt cater an event at the theater and she meets a troupe of performers who change everything. Not only is Keira not from the small town she grew up in, she is the lost heir apparent to one of the most Prominent circus families in the world and they have been searching for her since she Disappeared as a child.

When Her families past shows up at her front door to invite her to a wedding uniting two of the other six families in the mythical compound it’s becomes Obvious this is an offer she and her Father can’t refuse and the little life he worked so hard to provide for her is shattered by the dangerous world he spent her entire life running from.