Welcome to my home on the internet

It’s a place where I talk about the business of books from writing to publishing and everything in between


I am a firm believer that anyone who
wants to write a book can write one.

There is a reason you are called to
write your story. that story has something
to give you, and your future readers.

there is a reader out there who is waiting
for it to change their life.

What are you visiting for?

01 — My Works in Progress

The Bonds of Stars - YA Fantasy
Querying Spring 2024

Sail - YA Contemporary
Drafting Spring 2024

02 — Resources For Authors

Craft Resources

I am going to share anything that has helped me along the way to finishing my own books and ultimately in the Publishing process with you. Be it podcasts, craft books, classes you can take, or any other resource that I believe can help you in your journey. if it helped me in mine, I share it with you!

Branding and Social Media

I have a decades worth of experience as an Entrepreneur based in photography and I hold a master’s in Communications and media management where I focused my thesis on YA book launches in a post pandemic world. I have more money then I ever want to add up and more hours then I honestly care to admit learning the business, branding, and marketing sides so I build my own resources to share what I spent years studying about business, images, digital marketing, branding, and Social Media with you and any other authors trying to find their footing in the digital world.

Launching Spring 2024! Sign up to get an email when the worksheets, workshop, and digital course launch later this year.

03— Get to know me

As with most Authors I don’t have a straight path but stories are an Integral part of it and it eventually led me to the phase of life where I am building a website as an author, querying, and writing my butt off.

You can learn more on the “About Nicole” page but for here the cliff notes version seems appropriate.

5 fun facts about me

  1. Writing is my third Career in the creative fields

  2. I have always loved high school kids and stories for them. While I do plan to write adult also Eventually YA has my heart

  3. I write the books I needed when I was in high school so that other kids won’t feel as alone as I did

  4. World building is my favorite part of fantasy
    It’s probably my theatrical background but I love building out the world and really making it feel lived in and whole to both the reader and the characters.

  5. I love the act of traveling.
    Bus, plane, tain, boat. I love them all. the entire first draft of BOS was written while commuting on the bus to and from denver for work and hour each way.

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questions to reflect on with your writing

Revision tips, trick, and epiphanies

Updated resources and resource lists

challenges to connect to your own community through social media

And updates about my own life and writing process